Today, I got my first shot at “professional” food photography with my new job. Lots of times, we will post pictures to social media or send an image to a reporter, but the requirements are never very specific. In most cases, a cell phone picture will suffice. Of course, for my first opportunity providing my own images, I wanted to show that I can be relied upon to produce not-crappy photographs.

Meehan’s Public House is an Irish pub with five locations, but every location has a talented chef and the food is several cuts above what you expect from restaurants in that genre. They have a new location in Buckhead, and right now we’re highlighting their brunch. This afternoon, I met with Chef Brian O’Rourke, and he specially prepared several brunch dishes for me while the bartender mixed a couple of Bloody Mary variations.

These pictures are the result. I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to do a recipe post this week, so I figured I’d put up some food pictures anyway.

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